List 1: Things Which Make Me Go Grr…

Blogging has been a bit slow recently with everything that’s going on so I’m starting to keep some lists to keep everything ticking over.

As a general grouch, I have several pet peeves. Here’s my list of the annoying things people do and character traits which make my blood boil and send me into a frustrated rant.


I hate rudeness with a passion. We all forget our please’s and thank you’s occasionally but continuous rudeness is unbearable. What makes me even madder is when people are rude to those in underpaid and undervalued jobs, or when people think rudeness is the only way to get what they want.

Slow Walkers

I’m a woman with places to go, often times, late going to those places. Hence I’m a fast walker. Slow walker, watch out and as for people who suddenly stop dead in the middle of the pavement, well, that’s just inconsiderate.

Know It Alls

Yes, I know you know everything there is to know about that issue but other people can also contribute to the conversation as well. There also is the other version of people who think they know everything about something but in reality know very little, but somehow manage to persuade everyone around them that they’re right.


I know, it’s not cool to be earnest these days and I’m pretty damn cynical about many things, but continuous cynicism just wears me down. Not everything requires a snarky response or biting sarcasm. Cynicism is not a show of intelligence, it’s just an poor imitation of critique and intellectual insight.

What are your pet peeves?